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Produkt zum Begriff Career:

  • Brilliant Career Coach
    Brilliant Career Coach

    For anyone who wants to have a more fulfilling and successful work life, this coach-in-a-book will guide you step-by-step through the process of finding your ideal career.Whether you are looking for your next opportunity, stuck in a rut, or even wanting a complete change of career, this book will help you have a happy, successful career. It is packed with smart advice; clever exercises; insights from world-class careers experts; and stories from people, like you, who’ve already taken the journey. BRILLIANT OUTCOMESUnderstand what makes you happy at work and how to identify your ideal job Create a plan to ensure your future success and satisfaction Know every technique to land the job of your dreams Use smart ways to get ahead and stay ahead at work Know that your future work will be fulfilling and rewarding.

    Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Cyber Defenders' Career Guide
    Cyber Defenders' Career Guide

    Kickstart a career in cyber security by learning how to adapt your existing technical and non-technical skills with Cyber Defenders' CareerGuide. Cyber Defenders' Career Guide unlocks your pathway to becoming a great security practitioner. You'll learn how toreliably enter the security field and quickly grow into your new career, following clear, practical advice that's based on research and interviews with hundreds of hiring managers. Author Alyssa Miller has spent over adecade in cyber security leadership and talent development, and she shares her unique perspective in this revealing industry guide.By some estimates, there are over 4 million unfilled jobs in cybersecurity. This important field is growing fast, with a huge demand for skilled recruits. But where do you start? How can you know you're ready? This book isyour invaluable guide to starting and navigating a rewarding security career.

    Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Brilliant Graduate Career Handbook
    Brilliant Graduate Career Handbook

    The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. Providing essential, life-changing guidance to help students get started on their graduate career, this indispensable guide helps readers discover how to make sense of their opportunities, weigh up their options and how to make the right choices.   Packed with vital information and powerful ideas, tactics and strategies, it coaches readers in the positive mindset required to land a brilliant career. This new edition has been thoroughly updated with new content on managing the transition from student to graduate; updated data, stats and examples; and a full glossary of terms. There is also a section help tutors with teaching employability and career skills.  

    Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • WRC 10 Career Starter Pack
    WRC 10 Career Starter Pack

    WRC 10 Career Starter Pack

    Preis: 1.81 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Was sind die Vorteile von Naturprodukten in Bezug auf Gesundheit, Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit?

    Naturprodukte sind oft frei von schädlichen Chemikalien und können daher die Gesundheit fördern. Sie sind auch umweltfreundlicher, da sie oft biologisch abbaubar sind und weniger Ressourcen verbrauchen. Durch den Anbau und die Herstellung von Naturprodukten können nachhaltige Praktiken gefördert werden, die die Umwelt weniger belasten. Darüber hinaus unterstützt der Kauf von Naturprodukten oft lokale Gemeinschaften und Landwirte, was zu einer nachhaltigeren Wirtschaft beiträgt.

  • Welche Auswirkungen haben Zusatzstoffe auf die Gesundheit, die Umwelt und die Nachhaltigkeit in der Lebensmittelindustrie?

    Zusatzstoffe in Lebensmitteln können negative Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit haben, insbesondere wenn sie in großen Mengen konsumiert werden. Einige Zusatzstoffe stehen im Verdacht, Allergien, Hyperaktivität und andere gesundheitliche Probleme zu verursachen. Zudem können sie die Umwelt belasten, da bei ihrer Herstellung oft Ressourcen verbraucht und Abfälle produziert werden. In Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit können Zusatzstoffe dazu beitragen, dass Lebensmittel länger haltbar sind und somit weniger verschwendet werden, aber gleichzeitig können sie auch die natürlichen Eigenschaften von Lebensmitteln verändern und die traditionelle Lebensmittelherstellung beeinträchtigen.

  • Welche Vorteile bieten Biolebensmittel im Vergleich zu konventionell angebauten Lebensmitteln in Bezug auf Gesundheit, Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit?

    Biolebensmittel bieten den Vorteil, dass sie frei von synthetischen Pestiziden und Herbiziden sind, was zu einer geringeren Belastung für die Gesundheit der Verbraucher führt. Zudem wird bei der Bio-Landwirtschaft auf den Einsatz von chemisch-synthetischen Düngemitteln verzichtet, was die Umwelt schont und die Biodiversität fördert. Durch den Verzicht auf Gentechnik und den Einsatz von nachhaltigen Anbaumethoden tragen Biolebensmittel zur langfristigen Erhaltung der natürlichen Ressourcen bei. Darüber hinaus unterstützt der Kauf von Biolebensmitteln die Existenz von ökologisch orientierten Landwirten und fördert eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft.

  • Wie wirkt sich die Kunststoffproduktion auf die Umwelt, die Gesundheit der Arbeiter und die Nachhaltigkeit der Ressourcen aus?

    Die Kunststoffproduktion belastet die Umwelt durch den Verbrauch von fossilen Brennstoffen und die Freisetzung von Treibhausgasen. Darüber hinaus führt die Herstellung von Kunststoff zu einer Verschmutzung von Gewässern und Böden durch Chemikalien und Mikroplastik. Die Gesundheit der Arbeiter kann durch den Umgang mit giftigen Chemikalien und Dämpfen während der Produktion beeinträchtigt werden. Die Ressourcen werden durch die nicht nachhaltige Nutzung von Erdöl und anderen Rohstoffen für die Kunststoffherstellung stark belastet.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Career:

  • Be Your Own Career Coach
    Be Your Own Career Coach

    All the expertise and proven benefits of one-to-one time with a professional career coach, but for a fraction of the price. Take control of your career, improve your employability, identify your unique brand and skill set and fast track your career to the next level. Includes a full, detailed career analysis using the latest career management techniques, together with expert guidance and advice, this will allow you to pinpoint your personal strengths, develop your abilities and take control so you can build a plan that will make your career aspirations a reality. This practical, friendly and accessible guide includes assessments, assignments, planning exercises and fascinating case-studies. 

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Building Your I.T. Career: A Complete Toolkit for a Dynamic Career in Any Economy
    Building Your I.T. Career: A Complete Toolkit for a Dynamic Career in Any Economy

    Building Your I.T. Career A Complete Toolkit for a Dynamic Career in Any Economy Second Edition   Break in. Move up. Earn more. Stay on top.   Get the I.T. career edge you need right now!   “They” say it’s tougher now to build a great career in I.T. “They” complain about outsourcing, cutbacks, and the tough economy. Don’t complain: act! Right this minute, outstanding I.T. jobs and careers are out there: You just have to know how to get them! This 100% I.T.-focused, up-to-the-minute toolkit delivers all the insider skills and insights you need to get your next great tech job now—and build lifelong success in the industry. It will help you plan your career, set achievable goals, organize them into practical action items, and make it happen!   Totally updated for today’s newest hiring trends, Building Your I.T. Career, Second Edition is packed with examples from real I.T. pros and hiring decision-makers, it will help you get in, get promoted, get raises, and stay in demand—one easy step at a time!   -- Focus on the I.T. careers you'll be happiest and most successful in -- Discover what opportunity looks like today—and how to take advantage of it -- Adopt the proactive attitudes associated with I.T. career success -- Master the personal communication skills you need to get a job—and succeed when you have it -- Develop more effective cover letters and resumes, and interview brilliantly -- Break in to I.T. for the first time -- Build your social media and offline networks, and use them to supercharge your job search -- Negotiate salary and employment agreements that get you what you deserve -- Learn (and do) what it takes to get promoted -- Take advantage of telecommuting and consulting options -- Move into management (if that's what you want) -- Use mentors and career coaches effectively -- Become a high-priced hourly consultant -- Gain the personal financial discipline that liberates you to choose your best career options -- Make yourself nearly indispensable      

    Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Driving Career Results: How to Manage Self-Directed Employee Development
    Driving Career Results: How to Manage Self-Directed Employee Development

    YOUR BEST ROUTE TO CAREER SUCCESS   CREATE A PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN YOU OWN AND CONTROL! Complete, easy-to-use Individual Development Planning template for you or your colleagues Hundreds of bite-sized, practical, no cost ways to take charge of your own development Plus Exclusive HR Tips for implementing Self-Directed Employee Development at your company Take control of your career by taking control of your own learning and development! Nobody will do it for you anymore: you have to do it yourself. Start now, and you’ll be miles ahead of everyone who’s still waiting for help!   Driving Career Results brings together all the tools, ideas, plans, and techniques you’ll need. World-class HR expert Linda Brenner has helped tens of thousands of businesspeople succeed. Now, she helps you assess your personal strengths and opportunities, and then systematically improve in a manageable, practical way.   Brenner offers expert tips for leveraging strengths and improving development areas in areas such as judgment, problem-solving, creativity, trust, influence, teamwork, planning, business acumen, customer focus, grit, technical savvy, communications, collaboration, integrity, accountability, curiosity, innovation, courage, and more. You’ll learn where to start, what to prioritize, how to commit to a personal plan of action…and how to make it happen!   Are you waiting around for someone to “develop” you? You may be waiting a long time. Nowadays, you’re in the driver’s seat of your own career, whether you know it or not. Corporations don’t have the time and energy it takes to truly help you learn and improve. It’s all on you.   Driving Career Results shows you how to drive your own development…simply, effectively, and at virtually no cost.   Whether you’re targeting a more challenging, higher-paying role or your very first job, this book is for you. (And if you’re an HR leader, this book will help you implement self-directed development in your organization!) Step by step, Linda Brenner helps you: Identify your greatest strengths and most critical areas to improve Build your individual development plan Choose from hundreds of free, bite-sized, media-rich, self-directed development ideas Collaborate more successfully with colleagues and your manager Track your progress in self-development Whatever your career goals are, there’s only one way to get where you want to be: drive your own learning and development!   For more information, check out our companion app at  

    Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Goldin, Claudia: Career and Family: Women's Century-Long Journey Toward Equity
    Goldin, Claudia: Career and Family: Women's Century-Long Journey Toward Equity

    Career and Family: Women's Century-Long Journey Toward Equity , Winner of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics A renowned economic historian traces women’s journey to close the gender wage gap and sheds new light on the continued struggle to achieve equity between couples at home A century ago, it was a given that a woman with a college degree had to choose between having a career and a family. Today, there are more female college graduates than ever before, and more women want to have a career and family, yet challenges persist at work and at home. This book traces how generations of women have responded to the problem of balancing career and family as the twentieth century experienced a sea change in gender equality, revealing why true equity for dual career couples remains frustratingly out of reach. Drawing on decades of her own groundbreaking research, Claudia Goldin provides a fresh, in-depth look at the diverse experiences of college-educated women from the 1900s to today, examining the aspirations they formed—and the barriers they faced—in terms of career, job, marriage, and children. She shows how many professions are “greedy,” paying disproportionately more for long hours and weekend work, and how this perpetuates disparities between women and men. Goldin demonstrates how the era of COVID-19 has severely hindered women’s advancement, yet how the growth of remote and flexible work may be the pandemic’s silver lining. Antidiscrimination laws and unbiased managers, while valuable, are not enough. Career and Family explains why we must make fundamental changes to the way we work and how we value caregiving if we are ever to achieve gender equality and couple equity. , >

    Preis: 21.96 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Hochschule Hamburg

    Universität HamburgEv. Hochschul...Technische Universität...HAW HamburgMehr Ergebnisse

  • Inwiefern beeinflussen tierische Produkte die Umwelt, die Gesundheit und die ethischen Überlegungen in Bezug auf Tierwohl und Nachhaltigkeit?

    Tierische Produkte haben einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Umwelt, da die Massentierhaltung zu Treibhausgasemissionen, Wasserverschmutzung und Landnutzungsproblemen führt. Der übermäßige Konsum von tierischen Produkten kann auch zu Gesundheitsproblemen wie Herzkrankheiten und Fettleibigkeit führen. Ethisch gesehen wirft die Massentierhaltung Fragen zum Tierwohl und zur Nachhaltigkeit auf, da Tiere oft unter schlechten Bedingungen gehalten werden und Ressourcen wie Wasser und Land in großem Maßstab verbraucht werden. Daher ist es wichtig, alternative nachhaltige Ernährungsoptionen zu erkunden, um die Auswirkungen tierischer Produkte auf die Umwelt, die Gesundheit und ethische Überlegungen zu minimieren.

  • Was bedeutet "sozial schwach"?

    Der Begriff "sozial schwach" bezieht sich auf Menschen oder Gruppen, die aufgrund von sozialen oder wirtschaftlichen Umständen benachteiligt sind. Es kann bedeuten, dass sie ein niedriges Einkommen haben, keinen Zugang zu Bildung oder Gesundheitsversorgung haben oder in prekären Wohnverhältnissen leben. Soziale Schwäche kann zu sozialer Ausgrenzung und Armut führen.

  • Was bedeutet sozial eingestellt?

    Was bedeutet sozial eingestellt? Sozial eingestellt zu sein bedeutet, dass man empathisch und mitfühlend gegenüber anderen Menschen ist. Es bedeutet auch, dass man gerne Zeit mit anderen verbringt, sich für ihre Belange interessiert und bereit ist, ihnen zu helfen. Sozial eingestellte Menschen sind oft auch teamorientiert und schätzen den Zusammenhalt in der Gemeinschaft. Sie zeigen Verständnis für die Bedürfnisse anderer und setzen sich für ein harmonisches Miteinander ein.

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